dcpp sourcefile [-o outfile] [-I includedir ...] <options>
DCPP automatically scans DINCLUDE:, DINCLUDE:PD/, and DINCLUDE:AMIGA/ .
Any -I option directories are searched in sequence BEFORE DCPP's
default search path. The last default directory, DINCLUDE:AMIGA/, may
be modified with the -1.x and -2.x options, see below.
Note that DINCLUDE:PD/ (added after version *.11) is meant to be a
place to put public domain header files so as not to clutter the
top level DINCLUDE: directory.
As with all DCC commands, the space between the option and an
associated file/dir argument is optional.
DCPP probably does not implement everything perfectly and might fail on
some constructions.
DCC normally runs DCPP before DC1
The following symbols are defined by default
mc68000 -running on a 68000
_DCC -'DCC' compiler
AMIGA -AMIGA computer
Options to CPP
This option selects the OS. If not specified, DCPP searches
dinclude:amiga for amiga includes. If specified, DCPP searches
dinclude:amiga1N or dinclude:amiga2N for amiga includes
DCC supports this option and passes it along to dcpp. This
allows developers to compile under either 1.3 or 2.0 (or
whatever) with the flick of an option. DCC also uses a
different amiga.lib (see DCC docs).
This option turns on DCPP debugging
-o[ ]file
This option sets the output file, otherwise stdout is used.
the space is optional
Passed from DCC, tells preprocessor to define _FFP_FLOAT.
If not specified, preprocessor defines _SP_FLOAT. This
exists to better support alternate floating point models
in header files.
-D[ ]define[=stuff]
This option predefines a symbol or macro.
-E file
specify stderr file, any errors are appended to the file
instead of to stdout. Useful for batch compiles
This option undefines the following symbols:
Enable use/creation of precompiled header files. Example:
see DCC.DOC for more information.
This option causes DCPP to *NOT* include any default
directories in the include search list.
-I[ ]dir
This option adds the specified directory to the include search
list. A hanging slash on the end of the path is not required.
The space is optional.
Enable C++ style // comments. The remainder of the line after
// is encountered is interpreted as a comment. This differs
from /* style commenting in that no explicit comment-terminator
is required.
Disable tri-graph scan pass. Note that the tri-graph pass is
implemented in assembly and does not slow down preprocessing in
any noticable fashion, you should not disable tri-graphs unless
you need to.
Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>